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The Book

coming soon

In 1846, two Quaker sisters, Mary and Hannah Townsend, published the Anti-Slavery Alphabet to bring attention to the abolitionist cause against enslavement. Inspired by this book of Illuminated characters and accessible poetry, Bridgeport, CT artist Jane Davila started a project, the Migrant’s Alphabet, to bring awareness, education, and conversation to the current crisis of immigration in the United States and around the world.


Jane invited leading mixed media artists and activists from all over the US to create 12” square works of art for each letter of the Migrant’s Alphabet. The Migrant’s Alphabet exhibit of 26 mixed media artworks debuted at City Lights Gallery in Bridgeport, CT, on October 4, 2018 and now travels to a variety of venues across the nation.


A book will be published of all of the art and the accompanying poetry. All proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to organizations defending and working to better immigrant communities.  

Be notified when the book is available 

website:  © 2021 Jane Davila; all images copyright by the individual artists

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